Published on August 12, 2021
Learn More: Coronavirus Resource Center
Update – August 12, 2021
Visitor Policy
We welcome all visitors to our residences. To protect our patients, their families, and our staff, we have been forced to limit the number of visitors in the residences at any given time:
Non-COVID patient visitation:
- 8 visitors (per patient) may be in the building at a time.
- However, only 4 visitors at a time may be in the patient’s room.
- Those who are waiting to enter a patient’s room are welcome to relax in our public gathering places: family rooms, courtyard, reflection room, or dining area.
COVID patient visitation:
- COVID patients may receive one visitor during the length of their stay at an Alive residence.
- This visitor is welcome to stay as long as they like in the patient’s room (and will be provided meals throughout their stay).
- Once the visitor leaves the unit (for any reason), they may not return and should follow health department guidelines for exposure: quarantining for two weeks.
Face masks:
A face mask must be worn in the patient room while staff are providing care, when entering and exiting the building, and while in public gathering places. If you do not have a mask Alive will give you one. Please bring it with you for each visit.
How can I visit?
Upon arrival, each visitor must sign into the visitor kiosk, then proceed to the front desk for further instruction. Please remember to sign-out when leaving.
after 8 p.m.
What does the screening entail?
- Screening takes place by answering questions at our kiosk.
The charge nurse will evaluate visitation for anyone with symptoms.
What is virtual visitation?
To provide more opportunities to connect with loved ones in our facilities, we have iPads on hand that patients can use to video call loved ones. Patients can request an iPad if they are over the visitor quota and want to visit with others who cannot enter the building.
Thank you for your support as we do all we can to keep everyone healthy and safe!
If you are ill or have symptoms of COVID, please refrain from in-person visits until you are symptom-free.
Update – April 15, 2020
Dear friends of Alive,
Quarantine is painful. We are grieving the loss of the routines we live by and the plans we made… for vacations, graduations, religious celebrations, and visits with new grandbabies.
But the real problem is the elephant in the room, death. We wonder how many around the world will die from this highly contagious disease? Will our loved ones be OK? We like to ignore the elephant, but now it’s crashing into the china and trampling our peace of mind.
The good news is that you don’t have to tame this beast alone. At Alive, we re-imagine the end of life, which really means re-imagining life itself. We help people think about what matters most, and this includes advance care planning. We know that when you give the elephant a little attention, he calms right down.
Free Resources for Advance Care Planning
This Thursday is Health Care Decisions Day, and it couldn’t come at a better time. Many of us have more time for reflection and more time to talk with loved ones right now. We have free resources to help you tame the elephant.
When you start to ask those you love what they want at the end of their days, and when you tell them what you want, you are taming the elephant.
When you write down the medical care you DO want and the medical care you DO NOT want, you are taming the elephant.
When you prioritize what you love and who you love, you are taming the elephant.
When you remember that life is always too short and then plan accordingly, you are taming the elephant.
Kimberly Goessele, President/CEO
P.S. Our Grief Center Director Ali Drescher recently spoke with the Tennessean to share tips on coping during COVID. Watch the video.
The GIFT Initiative, Advance Care Planning
Update – April 14, 2020
Social Distancing More Important Than Ever
Yesterday, the Governor announced that Tennessee will reopen some businesses in May. He also stated that we must continue social distancing. At Alive, we have seen that social distancing IS working to protect our patients and employees, and we urge all of you to continue taking all safety precautions. Models show that we have not yet reached a peak for COVID infection in our region, and, if we return to normal too soon, we will lose the progress we have made. It is expected to get worse, before it gets better. How much worse is directly up to you and what you do in the coming weeks.
That is why we made the difficult decision to stop in person visits to our residences. We wish we didn’t have to do it, but we feel we must err on the side of caution for the sake of our staff, our patients, and the whole community We will continue to support virtual visits.
To date, our COVID positive patient and employee count has been very low (Patients: 0.97% Employees: 0.9%). We do not take this for granted. It is due to the COVID safety procedures we follow at work and the precautions you take at home.
Please continue social distancing, maintain hand hygiene, and use masks when it is necessary to leave home. You will make the difference in the lives of your community and the health of those taking care of you and your loved ones.
Thank you,
Kimberly Goessele, President/CEO of Alive
Update – April 7, 2020
Friends of Alive,
So much has changed in the past two weeks since our last email. Tennessee is now closed for all but essential business, and we are adjusting to life in “quarantine.”
As we protect one another with social distancing, it’s just as important to make sure we are still socially connecting. We need each other more than ever to stay healthy in all ways. I want to thank you for being part of our community and share some of the ways we are innovating our practices to prepare for COVID-19 in our community.
Our Care
We will continue to provide excellent in-home and bedside care throughout this crisis. We’re ready to care for COVID hospice patients. We have the proper supplies and procedures in place.
We are taking additional precautions in homes and have reduced the number of visitors allowed in our residences. This has been very hard for us, and we look forward to the joyful bustle that will return as soon as it is safe to gather.
New Measures
Our social workers and chaplains are now equipped to support patients in facilities closed to non-clinical staff thanks to an extension of our Henry Hooker Alive Connect Telehospice program.
Our grief counselors are now offering online sessions to help prevent the spread of this disease.
Our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. McRay is sharing safety information with the community via video.
Our Community
You all continue to inspire us! Partners are sharing resources, and we are working together to make sure we continue to meet the needs of patients and families in our mutual care.
Volunteers are connecting with patients via letters and technology, helping out with grocery trips, sewing clinical masks, streaming live music to share, and more.
Musicians on Call even made a healing playlist on YouTube since they can’t currently visit patients.
In other good news, Spring is here, and it brought the birds back to nest at our Murfreesboro residence. Visit us on Facebook to see our mama dove.
Together, we will get through this.
Kimberly Goessele, Alive President/CEO
Update – March 24, 2020
Volunteer Update: We have temporarily suspended volunteer visits to homes and our residences in line with best public health practices during the pandemic. Volunteers are assisting in other ways: home grocery deliveries, sending cards and notes of cheer to our patients and staff, sewing projects, and more.
For more information email
Update – March 16, 2020
Nashville Mayor John Cooper, city close all bars on Lower Broadway, impose limits on restaurant capacity.
Read the full Tennessean article
Update – February 14, 2020
Alive has received inquiries about the risk of Coronavirus. The World Health Organization is closely monitoring an outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) or novel Coronavirus. Those infected in the U.S. have recently traveled from China, have been living or working closely with those travelers, or are medical professionals caring for a patient before they knew the patient was infected.
At Alive, we follow best practices for preventing the spread of infectious diseases within our residences and in the homes where we provide care.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends simple but highly effective steps that you can take to help prevent the spread of all respiratory viruses (such as the flu and Coronavirus).
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Steps to take if you get the flu or other respiratory virus:
- If you get very sick, are pregnant, or are 65 years or older, or are otherwise at high risk of flu-related complications, call your doctor. You might need antiviral drugs to treat flu.
- Stay at home and rest.
- Avoid close contact with well people in your house so you won’t make them sick.
- Drink plenty of water and other clear liquids to prevent fluid loss (dehydration).
When caring for people who have the flu or other respiratory virus:
- Avoid being face to face with the sick person. If possible, it is best to spend the least amount of time in close contact with a sick person.
- When holding sick children, place their chin on your shoulder so they will not cough in your face.
- Wash your hands often and right way.
- If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Make sure to wash your hands after touching the sick person. Wash after handling their tissues or laundry.
Seek immediate medical care if a sick person experiences difficulty breathing or any other symptom of concern.
For more information visit or contact a member of your Alive care team.