The Big Payback 2020

Dear friend of Alive,

Can you make a gift to help our patients and families? The Big Payback, Tennessee’s day of philanthropy, returns May 6, and any gifts you make may be matched by the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee. COVID-19 has challenged us to find new ways to connect, and we could use your support.

The Big Payback is accepting pre-scheduled donations now. 

As the only non-profit hospice in the region, we are committed to providing the extra services that truly make a difference for our patients and families. Right now that means fighting isolation and staying safely connected.

This past month, we expanded our Henry Hooker Alive Connect telehospice program to support more virtual visits in our residences and to allow patients in quarantined facilities access to our chaplains and social workers. We would like to expand it even further!

In addition to new virtual counseling options, our Grief Center is sharing easy-to-do art therapy projects  for people staying healthy at home, and Grief Center Director Ali Drescher shared tips for coping with COVID with the Tennessean.

Last week musicians visited the courtyard of our Nashville residence to play for patients through their windows. Many of our Bluebird friends have offered virtual visits. Stay tuned for details!

We look forward to the time we can fill our residences with visitors, clasp hands, and see you all in person. In the meantime, we are grateful for your support and for the ways we are still able to connect.

Kimberly Goessele
President/CEO of Alive
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