July Events – Grief Support, Workshops and More

Scroll down for all our upcoming events including Story Hour, grief support groups, and Camp Forget-Me-Not in August.

Help Support Grief Camp for Youth

Camp Forget-Me-Not is right around the corner, and we need your help! Camper supplies, male volunteers, and meal partners are all needed — see below for details on how you can get involved:

Click here to view our Amazon wishlist to help with sunscreen, backpacks, and other supplies.

We’re looking for male volunteers to be “Big Buddies”! Interested in helping guide campers through grief support workshops? Apply here!

Alive is also seeking meal partners to feed our campers on Saturday, August 12, and/or Sunday, August 13. You can help by donating or using the camp’s kitchen to prep and serve a meal. $850 covers all participants for one meal. If you are interested, please contact Paige Tocash at 615-346-8352 or ptocash@alivehospice.org.




Grief Offerings in July

Story Hour

Join us on 7/4 for this virtual bi-weekly workshop for participants to share stories about loved ones without judgment or time limits. We invite participants to bring a different keepsake or photograph to each session and share the story of its significance with others who have also experienced loss.
Register here.

Youth Grief Support Groups

Join us Tuesdays, starting September 12, at 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. for grief support groups for youth ages 3-17 at the Alive Nashville Grief Center (1721 Patterson St. in Nashville). Dinner included! Youth will express their thoughts and feelings with others who have also experienced the death of an important person. Sessions include grief education, games, and more. For more information and to register, please email griefsupport@alivehospice.org.



Fall Book Club

This weekly virtual group provides a casual, supportive environment every Wednesday for 5 weeks, starting 9/13, where participants will explore books with themes of loss, coping and hope.

This fall’s book is Option B by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant. To register, email griefsupport@alivehospice.org

Walking Through Grief

Grief is anything but a walk in the park. Join us every Tuesday at 10 a.m. for a weekly walk at the John P. Holt Brentwood Library walking path with Alive Grief Counselors and other grieving community members to connect with others and the healing that comes with being in nature. Register here.

Good Mourning Group

Join us Wednesdays for this weekly virtual meeting to start your day with support from others who understand what you’re going through. To attend, visit AliveHospice.Zoom.US
and click “Join”

Wednesdays | 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Meeting ID: 980 4199 4226
Passcode: AH

Eight-Week Grief Journey Groups Forming Now!

Grief Journey groups, led by grief counselors, launch on September 14. The groups are for adults who have experienced the loss of someone significant to them and meet for eight consecutive Thursdays. Groups include:

  • Loss of Spouse/Partner 
    • Virtual: Thursdays | 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
  • Loss of a Loved One 
    • Virtual: Thursdays | 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

A one-time payment of $80 covers the cost of participation for the 8-week series; scholarships available.

For more information, please email griefsupport@alivehospice.org.

Weekly Guided Meditation

Need a moment of peace in your day? We invite you to join Alive on Zoom for a free and relaxing 30-minute guided meditation led by our volunteer, Ben Glover, every Thursday at 1 p.m. CST on Zoom. To attend click here.
Meeting ID:
 816 8811 1087


Drop-In Grief Support Groups

These virtual grief groups are FREE to attend and meet weekly or monthly. Participants are welcome to join at any time. Join us for a group that fits your need, including:

Scroll down for the full schedule.

View the full schedule and click to register today!


Love Alive? Tell Your Friends!

We need your help to get the word out about our resources and services. Please follow and share our news:
Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on all of Alive’s upcoming events and special offerings.

Want a FREE and easy way to support community services like these?

The Butterfly Collection by Judith Bright

Inspired by Alive’s annual butterfly release, this collection by Judith Bright Jewelry offers necklaces, earrings, and more as gentle reminders of a new season of life as we pay tribute to those who have gone before. 15% of the proceeds from this collection help support those we serve. Shop today!

Spark Good Round Up with Walmart!

Did you know? When you shop on Walmart.com or the Walmart app, you can support Alive by rounding up your change and donating it in support of our services. Click here to choose Alive as your charity of choice before it ends!


Designate Alive as your non-profit of choice when you shop via Kroger. They will donate a portion of your sale to Alive.