Published on March 21, 2019
Are you a volunteer with us? Then please join our Alive Volunteer Facebook Group. We have more than 400 volunteers who provide a wide range of services to patients and families. Alive volunteers do everything from pet therapy to bereavement letter mailings to massage. We want to help you all get to know each other and support one another. Hospice volunteering is a great joy. It can also be a little intimidating at first, and it’s especially hard to lose a patient you have grown close to. The Volunteer Group is a place where you can share resources, ask questions, or just meet incredible community members who have a hospice heart, just like you. When you visit the Alive Hospice Facebook page, you will see a column on the left side of the page that includes groups. Click on the Alive Volunteer Group, and request to join. Or just search on Facebook for Alive Volunteer Group. We hope to see you there!